News From Jacobstown, 1905

New Egypt Press 21 Apr 1905:
Walter Borden, who has been ill for some time of pneumonia is able to attend to his business again, and on Saturday visited Mt. Holly for the first time in several weeks.
William Hunsinger of Imlaystown visited his sister, Mrs. John Tilton several days last week.
John Steward and daughter Lillian were in Germantown, PA on Tuesday evening attending a funeral.
Miss Emma Longstreet is doing very nicely after the operation at the Jefferson Hospital last week.
Mrs. Peter Layton has been quite ill the past few days.
Samuel Carty and family of near Chesterfield spent Sunday with Charles Challendar and wife.
Robert Robson has purchased the State Farm and intends to live on the same the coming year.
Harry Devinney, wife and child spent Sunday at the home of Taylor Devinney.
Mahlon K. Ivins is having his house newly papered and painted on the inside. David Gifford of New Egypt did the work.
Thomas Kester was taken very ill on Saturday with heart trouble, but is slightly improved at this writing.
Miss Bessie Buck who is ill with Bright's disease at the home of hergrandfather, Joel Wainwright, is slowly improving.
William Sexton of New Egypt spent Sunday visiting friends here.
The Prayer meeting will be held at the home of Gilbert Longstreet on Thursday evening.
The Misses Bessie and Oneita Reed of New Egypt visited Miss Lizzie Curtis on Sunday.
William Chambers of New Egypt spent Saturday here.
Arbor Day was celebrated at the school here with the appropriate exercises.
The ladies of the Baptist Church are very busy this week, preparing for the Easter Services to be held on Sunday evening.
Mr. Charles Challendar is having his building painted which adds much to the looks of his property.
Miss Cathryn Pierce of Wrightstown visited her sister, Mrs. Elmer Layton on Sunday.


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