News From Tuckerton, 1920

Tuckerton Beacon 8 April 1920:
Mr. and Mrs. Earl MEGAR of Hammonton, and Miss Katie BOWER, of Philadelphia, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KELLEY.
The W.T.I. & C. Association will hold their regular meeting in the Borough Hall tomorrow (Friday afternoon) at 3 o'clock. All members are urgently requested to attend .
The W.C.T.U. me at the home of Mrs. S. N. LIPPINCOTT on Tuesday evening. Members from Manahawkin were present.
Mrs. R.E. PREDMORE and C. FRAZIER, of Rockledge, both former Tuckertonians, are visiting at the former's home on Main Street for a few days.
Samuel S. ANDERSON and W. Howard KELLEY represented Tuckerton Lodge No. 4, F. & A. M., at a session of the Masonic Grand Lodge at Trenton yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LANNING and daughter, Miss Virginia, have been visiting Mrs. Lannings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. C. PRICE.
Mrs. A. CARHART accompanied her son, Webster, and his family when they returned home after spending the winter with her children in Philadelphia.
Rev. Daniel JOHNSON was taken ill Sunday afternoon and was unable to occupy the pulpit in the M.E. Church Sunday evening. Neuralgia was the cause of the illness and kept him in bed several days.


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