News From Pine Beach, 1917

New Jersey Courier 20 Apr 1917:
As the Philadelphia schools closed for the week before Easter, many parents and teachers took advantage of the long holiday and came to Pine Beach in spite of the bad weather.
W.L. Wilson, commodore of the Pine Beach Yacht Club, and his daughter, Mabel, opened their bungalow on Prospect Drive. They had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Decker and Mr. and Mrs. John Rietheimer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ware and ____ Ware of Philadelphia spent ___ days here, going back to the city on Thursday.
The Wynstay on Midland Avenue was occupied by its owner, Mrs. W. Price Davis, for a couple of days. She had with her Mrs. Earle C. Price and Miss Luella Denney, who remained for the entire week.
Miss Helen H. Mitchell and her guests went to Seaside Park on Thursday and were caught in the storm.
Mrs. Schiel, Sr. returned from the city where she has been spending the summer.
James Sheeran has been occupying his brother's bungalow for a few days.
Mrs. Appleton made a flying visit to Pine Beach during the week.
The Christos bungalow on the river front was occupied by Christos and his family over Saturday and Sunday. They came down in their car. Their American flag was raised as evidence of their patriotism.
Leroy Hutchinson and family motored to Philadelphia on Saturday. Mrs. Hutchinson will spend some time there with her parents.
Miss Lynch and Miss Agnes Farrell were Easter Sunday visitors here.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell with their daughter Helen and her friend Miss Pearce spent the week here.
Miss Beck came down to get her bungalow in order for the summer.
A merry house party filled the Rounds bungalow over the week end, with Miss Rounds as hostess.
Pine Villa, Mrs. Bordt's bungalow, was opened for the week; she had several guests, among the number being Fred Reese, who is a frequent visitor here.
Mr. Keller, who owns lots on Midland avenue, and who is employed in Philadelphia mint, spent a day here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and one of their daughters occupied their bungalow on Cedar Avenue over Easter.
James E. Flood of Prospect Drive spent Easter at Atlantic City.
Mrs. Rietheimer and Miss Wilson gave a 500 for the benefit of the Yacht Club at 3903 N. Seventh Street, Philadelphia, last Saturday.


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