F.J. Wetzel, wife, and son Bruce, and Lewis S. Morganstern returned to their homes in New York on Sunday after spending their Easter vacation at the Glen Lake Farm. Mrs. E.S. Morgan acommpanied them home for an indefinite stay.
Wm. Monday and wife spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Nancie Cottrell at Ely.
George Rose and wife, John Debow, and wife, and Mrs. Frank Gordon were Freehold visitors Saturday evening.
Elias Anderson of Adelphia was the Sunday guest of his parents, Elias Anderson and wife.
Mrs. Lydia Clayton and sons, Albert and Ralph, visited Arthur Burk and wife at Smithburg on Sunday.
Master Alvin Appelget visited Morgan and Walter Hendrickson.
Miss Rae Chambers spent Thursday of last week with her aunt, Mrs. Dave Clayton, at Harmony.
Helen Hendrickson of Harmony was the over Sunday guest of her brother, Ray Hendrickson and family.
Mrs. Anna Sproul of Ridge, N.Y., is visiting her parents, Wm. Matthews and wife.
Mrs. C.L. Davis was a Red Valley visitor on Wednesday.
Good Friday was observed in the village school with a musical entertainment and the raising of a new flag, presented to the teachers and pupils by the Grand Army of Brooklyn. Owen Clayton read an essay on the war, written by Miss Mabel Zimmerman, a pupil of the eighth grade, which was very good and for which Miss Zimmerman is worthy of much praise.
Albertis Burdge and Clinton Roger are helping Wm. Chambers of Cream Ridge with his farming.
Mr. and Mrs. Conover Cottrell, Mrs. Van Thompson and Mrs. Elias Anderson motored to Lakewood on Tuesday. Mrs. anderson and Mrs. Cottrell are in poor health and are under the care of Dr. O.G. Thompson of Lakewood.
Conover Reynolds spent a part of last week with his daughter, Mrs. Walter Morton and family at Spring Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Morton accompanied him home on Sunday.
The high winds of Saturday upset a bale of hay, which Ed Hendrickson was carting from Prospertown. Owing to the heavy snowfall of Sunday night and Monday, it will be several days before Mr. Hendrickson will be able to get the load home.


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