News from Toms River, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rogers, and daughter motored here from Asbury Park Monday to look over the old home town.
Mrs. James Coyle of Doulgaston, L.I. has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Crook.
Edwin Berry, jr. is spending a few days in Philadelphia with Rev. H.J. Keyser, former rector of Toms River Episcopal Church.
The friends of Miss Bessie Lewis gathered at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Wardell at Clifton avenue and Cedar Grove Rd, on Monday evening last, it being her 21st birthday. A merry evening was spent by nearly two score people. Refreshments were served, games and music enjoyed, and it was well past midnight when the gathering broke up.
Mrs. Martha Mills of Barnegat spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Charles Seaman.
Capt. and Mrs. Clarence Birdsall reached home on Friday of last week, after a trip to the Pacific Coast. On their journey they crossed 24 states and the District of Columbia. They reached home to find their son Jack ill with mumps and spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashley Brown at Roselle, before coming to Toms River.
Mrs. Susan Bunnell returned last week from spending the winter in Vineland with her sister.
Capt. and Mrs. C.H. McLellan have been spending a few days here from New York and will put their Water street home in readiness for occupancy.
Frank Buchanan has been home from Philadelphia for a few days.
Marvin Campbell has returned from a winter in Trenton.
Carl Eckhardt was a week end visitor here.
Alfred Mathis, son of Mayor Mathis of Seaside Park, was in town Tuesday. He expects to go to Westfield, where the C.W. Mathis Co. have a contract for 32,000 lineal feet of curb, and 45,000 square feet of sidewalk, etc. at a cost of $16,548.60.
Miss Florence Martin of the Courier staff has been ill this week.
Miss Sarah F. Irons is at Briarcliff, NY for the summer, going last week from Asbury Park, where she spent most of the winter.
Clarence Ludwig, representing the State Research Bureau of the State Chamber of Commerce, spent Tuesday here, getting data and opinions upon the advantages and disadvantages of the primary election and other features of the election law.
Stout R. Johnson was home from Asbury Park for the week end.
Paul Fields of Philadelphia was a week end visitor at the Riverside.
J. Ernest Herbert of Como spent the week end at his old home here.
Charles D. Brackenridge and a party of friends came down from New York for the week end, and visited the Forked River Game Farm on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Eva Haslett has been here from Atlantic City this week, visiting friends.


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