News From Barnegat, 1905

New Jersey Courier 6 Apr 1905
The entertainment in the school house last Friday evening was very good. A large audience greeted the performers.
The Township Committee are fixing the roads, and in consequence all who wish to work have a job.
Mail Clerk Corlis has moved into the Wright Predmore house.
Through the kindness of Mrs. J. S. Storms, postmaster Collins has on exhibition an old bill dated February 27, 1875 advertising a performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Union Hall, by the Barnegat Dramatic Troupe. The cast includes the names of some of our citizens who have long since gone to their rest, and it recalls to mind others who are growing old.
Quarterly communion was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last.
The Art Club will hold its annual reception on Tuesday this week.
W.G. Conrad and wife, John Predmore and wife, and Charles M. Conrad and wife are home from Trenton.
The Board of Education organized on Tuesday evening, March 28, by electing H.A. Tolbert, president; J.S. Storms, vice president; W.A. Jones, clerk.


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