News From New Gretna, 1920

Tuckerton Beacon, 8 Apr 1920:
Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Helsman and Miss Helen Reed motored to Atlantic City Saturday.
John Birdsall of Hammonton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mathis.
Howard Johnson has purchased the H.E. French property and has moved his family from Atlantic City. We are glad to welcome them back.
Mrs. Harold Gerew, who has just undergone and operation in the Atlantic City Hospital, returned home this week. We are glas she is improving so rapidly.
Mr. Selig and family moved on the Schufer farm on Wednesday.
Miss Helen Craig of Lakehurst is visiting Miss Margaret Adams.
Rev J.D. Bills preached in the M.E. Church and held the First Quarterly Conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Mathis and Mrs. Lewis Loveland spent a few days in Hammonton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cranmer of Philadelphia were week end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cramer.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cramer of Beach Haven spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Rebecca Cramer.
Jarvis Gerew has been very ill with an attack of bronchitis. He is now improving.
Mrs. Maurice Gaskill has been entertaining her aunt for a few days.
We are glad to see S.M. French out after being confined to his bed for the past two weeks.


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