News From New Egypt, 1905

New Egypt Press 21 Apr 1905:
In the Ocean County Court yesterday, Thomas T. WOODELL recovered $6000 damages against the Jersey Central Railroad for the loss of an arm.
Miss Maude CHAFEY has been very ill during the past week.
Mrs. R. THOMPSON and daughter of Wrightstown spent Saturday with Prof. and Mrs. Ernest STEVENS of this place.
Emerson CHAFEY and family of Arney Mount and C.R. FOULKS and Harry WRIGHT of Camden, visited G. U. FOULKS on Sunday.
Geo. H. JONES and Harry WORTH were in Pemberton on Saturday last.
Mrs. Samuel REYNOLDS and children are visiting in Pointville.
Mrs. Theodore ELLIOT sold her household goods on Thursday.
Miss Sadie PARKER has been visiting Miss Maude MURPHY during the past few days.
The Advertisers have several special offers advertised in this issue. Read them and save money on your dealing tomorrow.
Lewis and David SOUTHARD killed a black snake near Colliers Mills this week, which was one of the longest ever seen in this neighborhood. It measured eight feet and three inches and was nearly three inches in diameter.
The property on Front Street belonging to the Samuel HOPKINS estate was sold at Sheriff sale on Monday of this week. There were only about a dozen people present at the sale. Dr. Howard ALLEN was the purchaser at $600.00.
Samuel JOHNSON of Burlington visited S.R. Harker over Sunday.
Wm. T. NASH has had several men employed during the past few days off his new property, cutting down a large tree which stood on the spot where he intends to build his new store.
Miss Mame MCCOY of Cream Ridge was in town on Saturday.
Chas. WARWICK is quite ill at this writing.
Miss Elizabeth VAN HORN has returned home after a visit with Mrs. Pauline VAN HORN of Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. LOWER spent a portion of the week in Atlantic City.
Miss Gertrude COX of Mt. Holly visited her parents over Sunday.
Miss May DELZELL was in Washington as a delegate of the D of A of Hornerstown.
Ward HARKER, Wilson LEE and G. FOULKS served on the petit jury at Toms River this week.
Mr. Joseph G. MOORE a student of the Baltimore Medical College is home with his patients, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MOORE.
Mrs. Wm. BROWN, Miss Louisa BROWN, and Walter BROWN of Cassville were in New Egypt on Thursday.
Rev. Frank G. ROSSERT has been visiting his parents at Haddonfield the past week.


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