Drowning of Barney Mulholland, 1866

From the New Jersey Mirror 4 Jan 1866

Barney Mulholland, an Irishman, aged about 28 years, was found drowned, in a small pond in "Polly Cox's Swamp," in Westampton, on Friday last.--The pond was about seven feet in length, three or four feet wide, and the water not more than six inches deep. He was lying upon his face, and his head had been thrust as far into the mud as possible. He was entirely naked--his clothes being up a few feet from him, carefully folded up. The deceased had been married about six weeks. He owned a small house in the neighborhood. He had doubtless been out of his mind for sometime previous to his death, as he had frequently said that he was called to preach the gospel, but that he had been commanded to give his clothes away before proceeding upon his mission. The Coroner, Benjamin Peterson, held the Inquest.


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