African American Residents of Barnegat, 1930

 Below is a partial transcription of the 1930 census of Barnegat, showing two different clusters of homes inhabited by African-Americans.

Lidi(?) Road West
8686GedersMaryHeadB57South Carolina
LasiterAddisonroomerB65North Carolinaodd jobs
8787KingPhillipheadB60VirginiaOdd Jobs
MattiewifeB50North Carolina
8888WestWilliamheadB52Georgiaodd jobs
8989JacksonDennisheadB65Virginiaodd jobs
9090SuttonGeorgeheadB28Massachusettsodd jobs
George H.sonB2NJ
WrightEllenmother in lawB81Virginia
Rose Hill Road
236237IveyPeterheadB62North Carolinaodd jobs
JosephinewifeB55North Carolina
237238KirklandWilliamheadB72South Carolinaodd jobs
EllenwifeB72South Carolina
Berthagrand daughterB6NJ
William L.(blank)B10NJ
238239WoodsonJesseheadB52Georgiahouse painter
CorneliawifeB50South Carolina
239240IrvinCharlieheadB67North Carolinaodd jobs
240241TuckerPeter J.headB63South Carolinaodd jobs
241242MilerHarrisonheadB43South Carolinahelper-plumber
AnniewifeB42North Carolina
242243MacDonaldVictoriaheadB30South Carolinahousework- private home
243244HollowayWhitfieldheadB43South Carolinaodd jobs

Phillip King: He and his wife Mattie lived on Prior St in Jersey City in 1920. Mattie's mother, Latica McKey, age 65 and widowed, also lived with them at that time. In 1920, Phillip gave his age as 55, so one of the censuses has to be wrong.

William West: In 1920, there is a 45 year old William West on Ivy Place in Jersey City. He was also born in Georgia, and is a possible match for our man in Barnegat in 1930. In 1920, his wife, Mathilda, was still alive. She was 7 years younger than he, and was born in New York.

Dennis Jackson: In 1920, he and his wife, Ada, lived on Johnson Ave in Jersey City. He gave his age as 65 at that time, so one of the censuses must be wrong. He worked as a porter on a ferry boat, and his wife worked as a laundress. (Ada's age lines up with the 1930 census--she was 50 in 1920).

Jesse Woodson: In 1920, the Woodsons lived on York Rd in Jersey City. Jesse was a handyman in a shipyard, and Cornelia was a servant in a private home.


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