News From Lakehurst 1929

New Jersey Courier 13 Dec 1929
Our folks are responding generously to the Community Christmas tree. The trustees of the Presbyterian church have kindly agreed to allow the tree to be placed on the lawn between the church and Union Avenue. For this year, the tree will have to be temporary, but the intention is to have a sutiable tree transplanted on the site, and make it a permanent observance. A committee of the Exchange Club is arranging for a suitable tree and it's lighting, also a candy treat for the children of the community, and the officers of the club are receiving donations to cover the necessary expense. It is desired that all folks understand that this is actually a community affair and not for, or by, any one organization.
A.W. CARR and wife visited in New York Friday of last week.
Archie F. MURRAY and wife were Saturday visitors to Newark.
A card party was held at the home of Mrs. Annie WALSH Tuesday evening. The attendance was large and all thoroughly enjoyed the affair.
It is understood that Henry HEPSLEY at the Paul Kimball hospital, while not yet fully conscious, is improving with a prospect of getting home before Christmas.


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