News from Tuckerton,, 1900

New Jersey Courier 6 Dec 1900:
The stockholders of the Atlantic Burlington and Ocean Telephone Co. have elected the following officers and directors: President, Joseph I. SMITH; vice president James W. PARKER; Secretary, C.P. STEELMAN; treasurer, Howard MATHIS; directors, J.L.LANE,T.T. PRICE, B.S. STILES, R.A. MATHIS, D.P. CROWLEY, Walter ALLEN, B.H. CROSBY.
Our young people who are away at school were generally home for the holiday.
Lakeside council, Jr. O.U.A.M., attended service in the M.E. Church on Sunday evening last.
W.S. AUSTIN is now employed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance company of New York from their Philadephia office.
Tuesday evening, November 20th, at the home of Mrs. F.L. HOUGH, Media, Pa., Miss Rose A. PALMER, formerly of Tuckerton, was married to Fulton J. O'BRIEN, of Camden, who is telephone inspector for the Delaware and Atlantic Telephone Co. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. James BURNS of Camden, formerly of Tuckerton. The bridesmaid was Miss Jeans S. HOUGH, and the best man was Willard Parker HOUGH. After the ceremony, refreshments were served and the young couple left Media for their future home in Camden.
Captain James HICKS has rebuilt the schooner Bromall so that it is practically a new craft and has named it the Adelia Hicks. The vessel now measures 50 feet keetl; 70 feet on deck; 19 feet 8 inch beam. She has been increased 18 feet overall, has new diamond steering rear, two new sails and new rigging. Courtney PATTERSON did the work of remodeling the vessel.


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