News From Point Pleasant, 1900

New Jersey Courier 15 Dec 1900:
Rev. A.M. Lake has been visiting Imlaystown friends.
The Point Pleasant pharmacy has closed for the winter.
Newbury and Son have built up a fine barn in the rear of the summer cottage belonging to Geroge R. Dilkes of Philadelphia.
Tonight there will be a dollar social at the M.E. Church, where each one is expected to bring a dollar earned in some unusual way.
Rev. J.A. Clyde and family are enjoying a three weeks vacation.
Mr. Ray from Pittsburg has broken ground for his new summer home on the beachfront, adjoining Mr. Frew's cottage.
Captain Benjamin Pearce and wife left this week for Newburyport, Massachusetts, where they will spend the winter.
Mrs. Emma Dodd has closed her summer residence on the Manasquan River and with her daughter has gone to California.
The Carrolltonhotel kitchen and dining room are being enlarged and other improvements made.
Harry Pierce of Point Pleasant and Miss Fannie Albert were married on Wednesday afternoon at the bride's home at Bailey's Corner, Monmouth County. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Dixon, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Point Pleasant, who was assisted by Rev. Mr. Kulp of the Methodist Church.


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