News From Beachwood, 1929

New Jersey Courier 13 Dec 1929
Mrs. Horace R. Wemple and daughter Miss Frances of Elizabeth and Beachwood returned recently from a visit of ten days in Great Barrington, Mass., where they were called by the death of Mr. Ralph Wainwright Pope, Mrs. Wemple's father.
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Cable Avenue spent a few days with their son in West Orange.
Mrs. Melbourne Camillier, Jr. and Mrs. Frank Hill spent Tuesday in Asbury Park on a shopping trip.
Arthur O'Dare of Brooklyn stopped at his cottage on Cable Avenue for the week end. He is having his front porch glassed in, Albert Neilson doing the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Rheinhardt motored from Orange to spend a few days at their home here. Mr. Rheinhardt is goin gto build a house on Cable Avenue.
Albert Ober of Oak St. motored to Trenton on business last Thursday.
Richard Stern motored from Irvington to spend the week end at his home on Barnegat Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koelihoffer have returned after a visit of several weeks with friends and relatives in Newark.
Oscar Jachnig has returned to his home on Forepeak Avenue after a stay of a few weeks in Newark.
Mrs. J.M. Rogers of Brooklyn is making her home permanently in Beachwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris and son William motored from Newark to spend the week end with Mr. Oscar Jachnig.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coryell and daughter Clara Jane motored to Newark to spend the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh and children motored from Brooklyn to spend the week end at the R-Way in Toms River and called on friends in Beachwood.
Edward Hall, who was struck by an automobile recently was brought home from the Kimball Hospital last Friday and is doing very nicely.
Marie Fay Moore spent last week visiting with friends in New York City, and was very elaborately entertained.
Miss Hyacinth J. Daub of Beacon Avenue, spent last week end visiting relatives in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. John Poulson have vacated the Albert Nole house on Longboat Avenue and hav etaken Mrs. Frank Goodrich's house on Neptune Avenue.
Carl Recht and mother motored from Brooklyn for a few days vacation at the Recht home on Beacon Avenue.
Mrs. Harry Staton, who spent last week in New York, has returned to Beachwood. She is confined to her home with a severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nole of Newark spent the week end at their home on Longboat Avenue.
Mrs. George Siffert entertained at bridge at her home on the corner of Harpoon St. and Spring St. Those attending were Mr. amd Mrs. Addison Nickerson, Mr. and Mrs. John Fellows, Marie Fay Moore, and Joseph Rowe. Prizes were won by Mrs. Moore and Mr. Fellows. Delightful refreshments were served.
Mrs. Clara Ryan arrived from California on Tuesday to make her home with her sister, Mrs. Melbourne Carriker, Jr. Mrs. Ryan at one time occupied the Oscar Jaehnig cottage on Capstan Avenue.
The Brigantine will hold a New Years Eve party, reservations are now being made.
Marie Fay Moore is in New York on business this part of the week.


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