News From Jacobstown, 1905

New Egypt Press 31 Mar 1905:
Lewis Reed and family moved to New Egypt on Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Reed visited friends at New Egypt on> Elmer Errickson and wife spent Sunday at the home of Harry Devinney.
Miss Hannah Potts of Asbury Park has returned home after spending a few weeks here.
Irving Chafey and wife have returned home after visiting friends here.
John Green will help Joseph Southard of near Recklesstown with his farm work the coming year.
Mrs. Wm. Hagerman and daughter Helen have returned home after a visit at Mt. Holly.
The committees were appointed on Sunday morning at the Baptist church to make arrangements for the Easter Services to be held on Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Garrison are spending a few days with friends at Pitman Grove and Philadelphia.
Frank Ridgeway was in Philadelphia last week where he purchased five horses for his customers here, but horses being in such demand he sold two of them before reaching home. These were sent to their new owners from Mt. Holly.
The school report for the month of February is as follows: number enrolled, 53; percentage of attendance, 81. Those who were not absent or tardy are: Etta Gorden, Myra Debow, and Roy Gorden.
Mrs. John Murphy of New Egypt visited friends here on Thurdsay.
Frank Challendar moved to Cookstown on Monday.
The Graphophone Entertainment by the Jr. O.U.A.M. on Monday evening which proved a success in every particular.
A reception was given by the Rev. H.E. Garrison of the M.E. Church on Friday evening, a bountiful supper was served and all spent a pleasant evening.
Miss Bertha Hutchinson is ill at this writing suffering of Tonsilitis.
Steven Birchell purchased a horse of Frank Ridgeway this week.
John Green purchased a driving horse of Howard Emmen on Monday.
Dr. John G. Feaster lost a cow this week.
Miss Ethel Emley and brother of near Allentown visited their mother Mrs. Joseph Emley on Sunday.
Elwood Deviney and son Frank of Mt. Holly spent Sunday with Taylor Deviney and wife.


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