News from Tuckerton, 1911

New Jersey Courier 30 Mar 1911
Capt. Joel Van Sant and his mate, Morgan Morris, two mariners, both of this place, were compelled to abandon the yacht Edithanna at sea off Jupiter Inlet, Florida recently and were picked up by the French cruiser Gloire, which landed them at Annapolis, MD. They had been cruising in Florida waters and visited Havana, Cuba whence they sailed for Tuckerton on March 13. They ran into a storm that was too much for their craft were blown off shore, and would probably have gone down with their schooner had not the French cruiser come along. The Edithanna was owned by Thomas Henderson of Philadelphia and had a crew of four men.
J.H. Bartlett and wife have gone on a trip to California via the Sunset route, New Orleans and the Grand Canyon of the Rio Colorado.
A local debating club has decided that drunkenness is a greater curse to humanity than war. Well, you can neither compel a man to pull a trigger or take a drink if he makes up his mind ot to, and that would solve both the problems.
Dr. Alfred Wagg, district superintendent, began his district work here with a quarterly conference Saturday evening. He preached in the ME church on Sunday morning.
Capt. Albert Horner of the schooner A and M Carlisle was home last week.
Mrs. Sarah W. Leeds of the Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, was a vistor here last week.
Last week a fire burned several hundred acres of young pine timber and burned a swath from Tuckerton to Parkertown. Several houses just escaped.


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