News From Harvey Cedars 1911

New Jersey Courier 30 Mar 1911
The Harvey Cedars Realty Company will run a free excursion down from Camden and Philadelphia on Sunday to sell lots here. It is understood these excursions will be continued to and through the summer on Sundays.
Samuel Gaskill of Barnegat is overhauling Howlett's motorboat at High Point.
D.P. Schramm spent Saturday in Barnegat.
The new High Point Yacht Clubhouse is completed and ready for the yachtmen when they come down for the summer.
The Harvey Cedars Realty Company is planning to start on a big dredging project about April 15. This will deepen the channel and fill in a large space for building lots.
Raymond Palmer of Conrad's station was at Barnegat Monday night.
Walter Ridgway was another Barnegat visitor Monday.
L.A. deZano of Philadelphia, while here gunning, got tenducks the last day of the season and was well pleased with his trip.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schramm of High Point are visiting New York.
Joseph Bounds of this place went back on his job as surfman at Harvey Cedars lifesaving station Sunday.


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