News From New Gretna, 1920

Tuckerton Beacon, 25 Mar 1920:
Mrs. Lewis Loveland spent the week with friends in Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stackhouse and family, of Warren Grove, are spending a few days with relatives here.
Mrs. Thos. Cramer and son Paul, and Alexander Maxwell, of Atlantic City, visited friends here over the week end.
The Knights of Pythias will hold their annual banquet in their hall on Main Street next Saturday.
The members and friends of the M.E. Church are planning a reception in the church for Rev. and Mrs. T.O. Jackson on Thursday evening this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Cramer motored to Atlantic City on Tuesday.
Lafayett Gerew, of Atlantic City, has purchased the property which belonged to Thomas Cramer.
Mrs. Earl Cramer has been on the sick list this week. We are glad to note that she is improving at this writing.
Mrs. Jos. Hickman and son, Orville, motored to Pleasantville on [must be typo here, the line is left unfinished.]
Maurice Gaskill was an Atlantic City on Monday.[note the confusing grammar of the sentence-this is how it appears.]
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cramer motored to Atlantic City on Monday.


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