News From New Gretna, 1920

Tuckerton Beacon, 18 Mar 1920:
Mrs. A.E. Mathis is spending some time with relatives in Atlantic City. She was called there on account of the sudden death of her brother and has the sympathy of many friends.
Rev. L.V. Brewin and family left for their new appointment at Imlaystown on Saturday morning. Mr. Brewin has served the M.E. Church very faithfully for four years and leaves with the best wishes of the whole community.
Rev F.L. Jackson began his pastorate here last Sunday, preaching both morning and evening. We believe him to be a conscientious preacher and worker and extend our best wishes for a successful year.
Mrs. Charles Pendleton and children, of Lakewood, are visiting the former's parents, Capt. and Mrs. Jos. Hickman.
Miss Margaret LeMunyon, of Atlantic City, visited her brother during the week.
Mr. Russell Loveland visited his family last week.
Mrs. Rebecca Cramer has returned home after spending some time with friends in Manahawkin and Tuckerton.
Arthur Loveland has been on the sick list. We trust he may be out again soon.


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