News From Lakehurst, 1930
New Jersey Courier 31 Oct 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur SKILLMAN and son Billy were Friday and Saturday visitors in Philadelphia and Hopewell, NJ. Mr. and Mrs. ECKMAN of Toms River spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Wilber SKILLMAN. Mr. Charles ROGERS, Mr. Henry SCHULTZ, Edward LARRABEE, and Oscar DOWNS attended the meeting of the Cranberry Growers Association in Phila. last Monday. Mrs. Charles SUMMERS of Hope Chapel spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Adeline HARTMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie O'CONNOR of New York City were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bart DONAHUE. Miss Grace GROPP has resumed duties at the Air Station after a month at her home in Egg Harbor. Miss GOPP and George PETERSON attended the Navy Princeton game at Princeton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MACK and son Jack left Lakehurst Monday for Westmont, NJ, where they will make their home. Dr. PITTIS has purchased the MACK bungalow on Pine Street. Mr. Andrew FRISK of Elizabethpor...